
  • European Exploration

    European Exploration
    In 1606 the first Europeans to sail to Australia were the Dutch but they didn't settle.
  • British European Exploration

    British European Exploration
    Captain James Cook sailed around Australia. He named the area New south Whales. He also claimed the land even though there were people there first.
  • Prisoners and Colonists

    Prisoners and Colonists
    Ship called the "First Fleet" left english to establish a prison
  • British Prisoners

    British Prisoners
    British prisoners finally settled in Australia
  • New South Whales

    New South Whales
    New South Whales was finally a prison that consisted of convicts, marines, and their family
  • Port Arthur Tasmania

    Port Arthur Tasmania
    1833-1850 Port Arthur had the most strictest security mesures in Britain. Some prisoners commited murder just to escape the island. They also had the chance of self government.
  • 7 Continents

    7 Continents
    Non prisoners colonization still continued and 7 continents became independant colonies.
  • British Transported

    British Transported
    British transported prisoners until 1868 many free immigrants were settling their too.
  • White Australia

    White Australia
    The immigration act of 1901 started that restricted migration mainly from Europe. It started before the secound world war.
  • Aborgines

    In 1967 the federla government began to pass legislation to help the Aborgines. Later on the Aborgines farmers started demanding for equal wages