
By JB3
  • First Englishman

    First Englishman
    William Dampier becomes the first Englishman to explore parts of the Austrailian coastline
  • Period: to

    Australia's History

  • Smallpox Epidemic

    Smallpox Epidemic
    Smallpox, one of the deadliest diseases, broke out in the Sydney are in 1789
  • Matthew Flinders ]

    Matthew Flinders ]
    Matthew Flinders circumnavigates the continent that he names "australia"
  • First Public Hospital

    First Public Hospital
    Rum hospital, the first public hospital in Australia opens
  • Henry Savery

    Henry Savery
    Australia's first novelist, Henry Savery published Quintus Servinton
  • New Zealand- Independent Colony

    New Zealand- Independent Colony
    New Zealand seperates from New South Wales to become an independent colony
  • Gundagai Floods

    Gundagai Floods
    89 die in Australia's deadliest flood
  • First steam Railway Line

    First steam Railway Line
    Australia's first steam railway line opens in Melbourne
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
    The South Australian Parliament passed the Constitutional Amendment Act