AuCoin Project

  • 213

    Burning of the books

    Burning of the books
    The emperor of the Qin Dynasty ordered the burning of books. In the State Library, nearly all of Confucius's books were burned. Shi Huang, the founder of the Qin Dynasty, wished everyone to be united so he imposed the order to burn books. He uses the burning of the books to eliminate the opposion point of views to unite his dynasty under one thinking and one ruler. He was a major figure for his dynasty because he was able to strengthen it by unifying it under one roof
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    The Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall of China
    This wall is a collection of several walls made over the years. With the combined effort of millions of chinese and captive workers. The Wall took 14 years to finish building and started its construction in 206 A.D. Over a million workers and the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty died over the duration of the wall. The wall was built as Chinas first wall of defends against the Mongols. It was built to keep the enormous army back. This was important because it helped chins stay unconquerd
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    Confucius was a philospher who created Confucianism, the belief of filial piety. He believed that family relations, seinority and education were very important. He greatly influenced China and later the entire world. This event was very important because millions of peopel had converted to confusionism and the religion is still fallowed today. The values have even infulenced western society today.
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    Mohamed was a proffet for the Islamic god Allah. He was the first person to start spreading the religion of islam around. He is so important to the religion he is considerd scared. This event is so important because without Mohamed the religion probably would not have kicked off the way it did and they probably would not be 1.9billion Muslims around the world.
  • Jun 9, 1045

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven was a rule made by the Zhou Dynasty to show the state of the dynsaty. It states that if the current dynasty is good, the people and land will prosper. However, if there are recurring natural disasters, it means the gods are unsatisfied with the current dynasty and a new one must begin. This event is important because thos document caused the fall and rise of many dynasties which could have changed China and made something it wasnt.
  • Jun 9, 1045

    Zaou Dynasty

    Zaou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty was a dynasty that began when the last Shang Dynasty king Di Xin was defeated. The Mandate of Heaven was created to explain the overthrowing of the Shang Dynasty. King Wen of Zhou defeated Di Xin and later, Wu of Zhou took over as the first king of the Zhou Dynasty. This was one of the most powerful dynasties and shaped China to what it is today.
  • Apr 11, 1452

    Learnado Da Vinchi

    Learnado Da Vinchi
    Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci pronunciation April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519 was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance Man, a man of "unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination". He was oen of the major minds behind the renesance.
  • Jun 10, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a man who wanted great reforms in the Cathlotic church. He wanted all the bad names towards the Cathlotic church to go away by reform so he started his own branch of the religion Lutherism. The Cathlotic church objected to it and put him on trial. The reason this si so important because it started a new religion that has millions of members today
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    Old to new ages