Atlantic World and Discovery of the New World

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue

    Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue
    Columbus was an Italian, who was employed by Spain to explore for them. He sailed west in search of a route to Asia. Instead he found the New World. Columbus had found a place full of riches and properity for settlers and businessmen.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    First Enslaved African in the Americas

    First Enslaved African in the Americas
    The first enslaved African arrived in the Caribbean in 1511. The previous slaves were the native people, but they were harder to control, and they knew how to escape. The first slaves brought to the New World started a whole revolution of slave trading. Later, hundreds of Africans would be brought over in the Atlantic Slave Trade.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortés Conquers Inca Empire

    Cortés Conquers Inca Empire
    With the help of Native tribes and Cortés's translator Malinche, the Spanish conquered the Aztec Empire. This was the first case of European dominance over the big empires of the New World. The Spanish then took over all of the Aztec land, and expanded their territories to the north and south.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizarro Conquers Inca Empire

    Pizarro Conquers Inca Empire
    The Spanish empire descended through Central America until it reaached South America, and the home of the Inca. At first the Inca were accpeting, and gave the conquistadors gold and silver. Pizarro then double-crossed the Inca leader Atahualpe, and killed him, taking over the Inca empire, and dominance over South America.
  • Engish Found Jamestown

    Engish Found Jamestown
    The first English settlers arrived in present day Virgina in 1607. They founded there colonly Jamestown. At first Jamestown struggled and almost didn't make it through the first winter. They wouldn't have survived if new settlers didn't come, making it a prosperous and succesful first colony for England.
  • English Found Plymouth

    English Found Plymouth
    Plymouth was founded by the Pilgrims, a group seeking religious freedom from the Anglican Church of England. They were in search of Jamestown, but a storm blew them north, to Plymouth Rock. Without the help of the Indians they all would've died the first winter. The holiday Thanksgiving comes from these to groups.
  • Frend and Indian War Ends

    Frend and Indian War Ends
    The French and Indian War was a war fought by the English and some Indians against the French and lots of Indians. It is named the French and Indian War becuase the English named it against who they were fighting. They were fighting over land and England won, taking over land to the Mississippi River and North.