

  • Apr 10, 1325

    The Sign

    The Sign
    While exploring the land for a new home the Aztec gods promised them that there home would be found by finding a screaming egale pearched on a cactus. Atlast at Lake Texacoco the Aztec people found it and started construction on their new home; Tenochitlan.
  • Apr 10, 1345

    The Floating City

    The Floating City
    After the Aztecs saw the sign sent from the Gods, they decided to build their soon-to-be prospurous city. To build it they stuck large wooden stakes into the murky water. After these were placed; they weaves leaves and piled mud on top of them to make a sturdy isladn to withstand their mighty temples. The Aztecs also build farms using this tecnuiqe.
  • Apr 13, 1390


    Moctezuma the 2nd was a great and strange leader. He would often wander his massive palace alone. when ever he saw a coment or falling star he would start to cry. Moctezuma was leader at the time of the conquering of the Aztecs. He was blind sided when he invited the Spanish in as allies and friends. The Spanish captured him and blackmailed him to tell the people what they wanted. The Aztec citizens were disgusted and stoned him to death.
  • Apr 10, 1415


    The Aztecs needed victums for their sacraficial ceremonies. To get them; they invaded neighboring villages and destroyed them. They would injure several people in the towns to make sure that they stayed alive for the ceremony. After dragging the citizens to their city, the Aztecs would auction off the women and sacrafice the men by holding them down on a pedstal and ripping their hearts out.
  • Apr 11, 1492

    The Spanish Set Sail

    The Spanish Set Sail
    Hernan Cortes got permission from the King and Queen to set sail to the new world, he arrives and quickly settles there.
  • Apr 12, 1500

    Hernan Cortes Cont.

    Hernan Cortes Cont.
    He defeated the mighty and advance civilization of Tenochitlan with 600+ men, destroying their great empire. During this period Cortes married a native women named La Malinche. She acted as a translator and spy for Cortes. Without her his missions would have never been sucsessful.
  • Apr 12, 1500

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Cortes was a great Spanish war leader. He was one of the first few people to go to the new world from Spain and he conqeured several parts of what is now modern day Mexico.
    Supported by the King and Queen he made several voyages to the new world trying to find endless riches. When he reached the new world with his several ships and hopes of inriching his lifestyle he conquered all of Cuba with only 300 men. Cortes is often known as the greatest conquestadors ever to live among the Spanish.
  • Apr 14, 1517

    The Clashing of Cultures.

    The Clashing of Cultures.
    After several years, the Aztecs and the Spanish finally met when a few Aztec guards saw "Floating Mountains" on the horizen. they quickly went to tell their leader Montezuma the Second. He gladly invited these strangers inside his humble abode. The Spanish were astonished by the intrecate buildings and water ways that were intertwined through-out the city. After a meeting with their emperor, the Spanish captured him and threatened to kill him unless the Aztec citizens obeyed their every order.
  • Apr 10, 1534

    The First Attempt

    The First Attempt
    The Spanish were in the City palace, planning their attack. Montezuma was still alive and being held hostage. When they dragged Motezuma out to speak to his people, the Aztec citizens killed him by throwing stones at his body. The Spanish had no back-up plan; Cortes came up with the idea to sneak out of the city at night carrying as much gold as possible. Unfourtunatley for his men they fell into the murky lake and died. After this failure, Cortes and his remaining men left the city.
  • Apr 15, 1537

    The Take Over

    The Take Over
    The Spanish used over 600 men to conquer the Aztecs. On the first attempt they captured their leader and blackmailed the city, but unfourtunatley for them the Aztecs turned on their leader and stoned him to death. On their second attempt they brought several aborigional soldiers to their aid. They ended up taking the Aztecs down and enslaving their city. When this happened they forced the Aztecs to take apart their own temples.
  • Apr 10, 1547

    Spanish Rule

    Spanish Rule
    After the Aztecs were defeated Cortes started to demolish any reminance of the Aztecs ever being present there. He forced them to take apart their own temples. The Spanish turned all the Aztec citizens into slaves and forced Cristianity on them. Shortly after Cortes took over the Kind of Spain sent a new govenor to the new colony to take over Cortes' position. The Aztec's culture was not fully destoryed, because we know so much about it today!