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Arab-Israeli Conflict Timeline

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The Balfour Declaration was a letter sent to Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild, a well known british jewish person, from british Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. This was done because Britain was winning World War one and they needed to set aside land for jewish people to live.
  • Creation of the State of Israel

    Creation of the State of Israel
    This is when Israel was first pronounced as a country, which would leave many other Arab countries unhappy. You will notice that there is a huge gap in time from the Balfour Declaration to the Creation of Israel, that is because world war two broke out and the British were to worried with that instead of finding a homeland to Jewish people.
  • Arab-Israeli War of 1948

    Arab-Israeli War of 1948
    The Arab Israeli war of 1948 was caused because the surrounding countries Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq were furious that the United nations gave this land to the Jewish people so they decided they were going to try and take it back. In the end of this war Israel won the war but they are still fighting with these countries.
  • PLO Formed

    PLO Formed
    The PLO stands for Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO’s main goal was to liberate or destroy the Zionist ( Jews who believe they need their own state) in the Middle East. The first leader of the PLO was a man named Ahmad Shuqayrī who was a friend with the current Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser who hated the Israelis.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    The six day war a war lasting taking place June 5 to June 10. It was fought between Israel, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan. The war started because tension never really stopped after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war so finally Israel launches airstrikes at the Egyptian air force and cripples them. The war caused many people in the four countries to leave. By the end of the Six Day War the Israelis won which caused their ego to go up and could leave them more vulnerable for the future.
  • Yasser Arafat Elected Chairman of PLO

    Yasser Arafat Elected Chairman of PLO
    This was the date when Yasser Arafat was elected the new chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Over the years he would make many attacks and acts against Israel. He had many anti-Israeli groups come and join the PLO.
  • Israeli Athletes Murdered at Olympics

    Israeli Athletes Murdered at Olympics
    On September 5th 1972 at 4:30 a.m Palestinian Commandos broke into the Olympic village during the Olympic games in Munich. Once they broke in they went to where the Israeli Athletes were sleeping killed two of the athletes and took nine others hostage. The whole event lasted many hours and resulted in all of the athletes being killed in a shootout between police and the Palestinians.....
  • Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur War was started by the egyptians and was going pretty well for the Egyptians because they started the war and caught the Israelis by surprise. They started the war by launching airstrikes at the Suez Canal, which was controlled by the Israelis.