APUSH Unit 7

  • The Homestead Act

    -Offered 160 acres of free land to settlers willing to pay a small fee and improve the land.
    -Around 500,000 settlers headed west.
    -Settlers often gave up due to drought or extreme weather.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    -Col. J.M. Chivington's troops circled then killed 400 Indians who thought they'd been given immunity.
    -Two years later, the Indians struck revenge in the Fetterman Massacre.
    -These two encounters set up the terrible indian relations with the US.
  • National Labor Union

    -Lasted 6 years and had 600,000 members.
    -Their goals were arbitration of worker complaints and an 8-hour work day.
    -Ruined by the 1873 depression.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    -Made between the federal government and the Sioux.
    -The governmet gave up on the Bozeman Trail and a Sioux reservation was established.
  • Election of 1868

    -Republicans nominated Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. He had no political experience, but they hoped his war-hero status would help him win.
    -Democrats were extremely disorganized, and agreed on very little. They nominated Horatio Seymour.
    -Grant won by a slim margin by "waving the bloody shirt," simply reminding everyone of his military record.
    -The tight win signaled two tings for future elections: 1-tighty run and hard fighting political parties, 2-narrow election margins of victory
  • Election of 1872

    -The Liberal Republican Party was formed. They nominaed Horace Greeley editor of the New York Tribune.
    -Eager to gain office, the Democrats supported Greeley.
    -Nasty campaign. the parties resorted to name-calling.
    -Grant won the election, 286 to 66.
    -Though they lost the elecion, Liberal Republicans scared the Republican Congress into passing some reforms.
  • Panic of 1873

    -started by over-spending with borrowed money, this time in railroads and factories. Growth was too fast and over-extended what the market could sustain.
    -The causes of the panic were the same old ones that’d caused recessions every 20 years that century: (1) over-speculation (or over-spending) and (2) too-easy credit given by the banks.
    -Initially, the panic was sparked when banks and businesses began to go bankrupt. The situation quickly snowballed from there.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    -"Custer's Last Stand"
    -Sioux unwilling to go to the reservation, led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
    -Custer led about 400 men against around 10,000 indians
    -200+ of Custer's men (including Custer himself) were killed.
    -Sealed the Indian-white relationship as little better than warfare.
  • Election of 1876

    -Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes, known as "the grat unknown"
    -Democrats nominated Samuel Tilden, whose claim to fame was that he nailed Boss Tweed
    -Tilden got 184 electoral votes out of the 185 needed to win.
    -Both parties sent rep. into the 20 questionable states, and both claimed victories there.
    -The election was at a stale-mate.
    *See The Compromise of 1877 for results.
  • The Compromise of 1877

    -With a president needed, Congress passed the Electoral Count Act that set up a commission to resolve the crisis.
    -The Republicans had the upper hand and were heading toward victory among the disputed states. Democrats were outraged and began to filibuster to tie up the process.
    -Finally, a deal was made in the Compromise of 1877.
    -The north got Rutherford B. Hayes elected as president.
    -The south got a pledge that Hayes would remove military occupation in the south.
    -This ended Reconstruction.
  • Election of 1880

    -Republicans nominated James A. Garfield, Garfield was a previously unnown candidate, but he came from Ohio.
    -Democrats nominated Gen. Winfield Scott, the Civil War hero.
    -Garfield won the election.
  • Knights of Labor

    -Sought workers cooperatives, better working conditions, and the 8-hour work day.
    -Led by Terence V. Powderly, had 250,000 members.
    -Achieved 8-hour work days in some areas.
    -Membership declined after the "Haymarket Square Incident"
  • Garfield is Assasinated

    -Shot by Charles J. Guiteau.
    -Vice-President Chester Arthur became President.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    -Chinese immigrants were angering the Irish by taking their jobs,
    -Congress passed the act forbidding the Chinese from immigrating to the US.
    -This was the first immigration restriction passed by America.
  • Election of 1884

    -Republicans nominated James G. Blaine.
    -Reform-minded Republicans didn't lie Blaine so they moved to the Democrats side.("mugwumps")
    -Democrats nominated Grover Cleveland.
    -Despite "mudslinging" drama, Cleveland won the election,
  • American Federation of Labor

    -Started by Samuel Gompers.
    -He sought what unions always seek: better wages, shorter hours, better working conditions.
    -Gained 500,000 members.
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    -Goal was to erase tribes and to lead indians more toward "becoming white"
    -Stated that indians could become US citizens after 25 years if they behaved correctly.
    -The Carlisle Indian School aided in this process.
    -Was highly successful and in effect until the Indian Reorganization Act was passed in 1934.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    -Was enacted in an attempt to outlaw monopolies.
    -Law forbade combinations such as: 1- "pools" or cartels, 2-interlocing directorates, and 3- holding companies
    -Was ineffective because proving combiations exist was difficut, and lacked enforcement.
  • Depression of 1893

    -First recession/depression of the Indusrial Age.
    -Cleveland now had a budget deficit to deal with, and the nations gold supply was dangerously low.
    -Congress repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and President Cleveland borrowed $65 million in gold from J.P. Morgan and friends.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    -Legalized Jim Crow laws.
    -Stated that "sepaate but equal" facilities were legal.
  • Election of 1896

    -Republicans nominated William McKinley, was a "safe" choice
    -Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan, super speaer "boy orator of the Platte"
    -McKinley won easily.
    -This election decided: a) gold was decided as America's economic basis, b) was a victory for business, conservatives, and middle class values, and c) it started 16 years of Republican presidents.
  • Gold Standard Act

    -Stated that peopple could trade paper money for gold.
    -Brought economic calm and stability.
  • Passage of the 18th Amendment

    -Banned alcohol in the US.
    -Was short lived and was repealed by the 21st amendment.