APUSH chapter 11

  • Dartmouth college vs Woodward

  • Martin van burdens bucktails defeat Dewitt Clinton in New York and Mexican independence from spain

  • Gibbons vs Ogden and John Quincy Adams elected president by the House of Representatives

  • First American use of the steam powered printing press

  • Congress passes “tariff of abominations” Andrew jackson elected president and John c Calhoun publishes exposition and protest anonymously

  • Jackson vetoes Maysville road bill And congress passes Indian removal act

  • Nullification crisis begins, Jackson vetoes renewal of the bank of the United States charter and Jackson is re-elected president

  • General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna elected president of Mexico

  • Which party organized and British abolish slavery in their Caribbean colonies

  • Jackson issues specie circular and Martin van buren is elected president

  • Charles River bridge vs warren bridge, revolts against Britain in upper and lower Canada, “the American scholar” and the panic of 1837

  • Cherokee removal along the trail of tears

  • Which William Henry Harrison elected president and act of union merges upper and lower Canada

  • John Tyler assumes presidency at the death of president Harrison

  • Samuel f b Morse operates first telegraphs