
  • 2003 BCE


    Antisemitism means against Semites. Scientists who tried to prove this racism wrong, were ignored. One scientist studied 7 million students (both Jew and Aryan) to find differences between them. The scientist, however, found more similarities than differences.
  • 2002 BCE

    Jewish Race

    "Races" were ranked in the 1800's that labeled Aryans as superior and Jews as a Semitic "race". Before, Jews were disliked because of their faith, and now they were disliked because of faith and "race"
  • 2001 BCE

    jewish minority

    Jews were small in number compared to Christians and therefore were more vulnerable to attacks. Jews were not widely accepted and were made to practice their faith in secret. Jews were often stereotyped along with other minorities with labels like the devil himself.
  • 2000 BCE

    Hatred Originating

    Negative feelings about Jews started back 2000 years ago during Christianity. Jesus was a Jew and when the Romans conquered Palestine, they asked the Jews to convert their religion. When they didn't, they were seen as stubborn and hostile.
  • jews in government

    A Protestant minister in 1933 wrote that there were more Jewish officials now more so than ever. However, this was simply untrue. Jews inly made up 1 percent of the population and out of 250 judges, there were 4 Jewish ones.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Hitler had become a minister in Germany and within weeks of establishing his position, he began a dictatorship based on race. He targeted Jews as the enemy and played up on the power and influence he had. Little by little Hitler stripped their pride away and made them targets.