Anti jewish islamic violence

Antijewish Laws

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Also called the law of Termnating. The suffering of people and nation. Becaus, the people in Germanys' health the goverment could pass any law he wanted to. He could basically do what he wanted.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Two SS men in their black uniforms and two storm troopers went around and stood before each jewish shop. They painted around windows Judah verreck
  • Aryan Law

    All non Aryans in the civil law service were to be expelled.
  • book burning

    book burning
    German studdents decied to act on un-german spirt. They collected all books and burned them.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The is two parts of the nuremberg laws one of them is the law of protecting german bllod. The other one is Reich citizenship law. Which means marriges between germand and citizenship jews are forbidded.
  • Name change

    Name change
    If the jewish women did not have a jewish name then the had to add Sarah as their middle name. If the men did not have a Jewish name they had to add Irsel to there middle name.
  • Broken Glass

    Broken Glass
    A 17 year old student was trapped n a small town so he shot and killed a offical.Nazi unleased a giant program. People call it the Crystal night or " The Night Of The Broken Glass"
  • Jewish Star

    Jewish Star
    All jewish people from age 6 have to have to apperar in public without the jewish star