Anne Frank's Life: Sydney Masser 1/11/13

  • Anne Frank is born

    Anne Frank is born
    Anne Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany
  • Van Pels flee Germany

    Van Pels flee Germany
    to escape Nazi persecution. Unknown Summer Date
  • Franks flee Germany

    Franks flee Germany
    to escape Nazi persecution. Unknown Date
  • Fritz Pfeffer flees Germany

    Fritz Pfeffer flees Germany
    goes to the Netherlands to avoid Nazi persectuion
  • Anne's 13th Birthday

    Anne's 13th Birthday
    She recieves her diary as a gift
  • Frank Family goes into hiding

    Frank Family goes into hiding
    Van Pels join them
  • Fritz Pfeffer Joins Frank Family

    Fritz Pfeffer Joins Frank Family
    becomes 8th person in the secret annex
  • Nazi Police raid the secret annex

    Nazi Police raid the secret annex
    occupants are sent to concentration camps
  • Mr. Van Pel dies

    Mr. Van Pel dies
    exact date unknown
    in Aushowitz
  • Fritz Dies

    Fritz Dies
    in Neuengamme
  • All other members die, except Mr. Frank

    All other members die, except Mr. Frank
    most other survivors die. Unknown exact dates