
Anne Frank's Life

  • Anne Frank's Date of Birth

    Anne Frank's Date of Birth
    Anne Frank was brought into this world to Auto and Edith Frank, in Franfurt, Germany. She had one older sister named Audio.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes the Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes the Chancellor of Germany
    The Nazi party leader, Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany.
  • Frank's Move

    Frank's Move
    The Franks' move to Germany to escape the Nazi persecution. While Mr. Frank looks for a new home in Amsterdam.
  • The anti-Jew Law

    The anti-Jew Law
    The Nazis pass their first anti-Jewish law, banning the public employment of Jews.
  • Anne Frank Begins School

    Anne Frank Begins School
    Anne Frank begins school in Amsterdam.
  • More Laws

    More Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws are passed, denying Jews German citizenship and forbidding marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
  • The Diary

    The Diary
    Anne Frank receives a diary for her 13th birthday.
  • It Begins

    It Begins
    Anne's sister, Margot, is ordered to report for deportation to go to a labor camp. The next day the Franks' go into hiding in Amsterdam.
  • They All Go

    They All Go
    The rest of the Frank family is sent to a labor camp where Anne and her parents are sepparated and she meets back up with her sister. They were with each other for one year.
  • The End

    The End
    Anne and her sister Margot die in Bergen-Belsen of typhus.