Anne Frank's Life

  • Anne Frank's Birth

  • Hitler's Rise to Power

    While Anne was only 4, Germay elected Hitler as Chancoller of Germany and persecuting the Jewish people.
  • Anne goes into hiding

    Anne and her family went into hiding to prevent Anne's sister, Margot, who had just turned 16, from being sent to a work camp.
  • Friendship

    Peter van Pel and his family move in. Anne, after a few months, turns out to like him and he becomes like a brother to her.
  • Love in the Annex

    Anne slowly finds herself falling in love with Peter. They plan to get married after the war is over.
  • A Tragic End

    Anne, her family, the van Pels, and everyone hiding in the Secret Annex gets arrested by the German police and put into work camps. A few months later, Anne and Margot meet a bitter end dying from typhus.