Anne Frank and World War II

  • Anne Franks Birth

    Anne Franks Birth
    Writer of her famous diaries.
  • Period: to

    Anne Frank's time out of the Annex

    In 1942, before she moved into the annex, Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany, Anne Frank's family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank's business, located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, which is also known as the Annex
  • The Beginning of WWII

    Hitler makes a speech to many Germans on how people are treating them terribly after WWI and wanted liberation of German people in the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia.
  • Treaty of Munich

    Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier of France and Mussolini of Italy met in Munich and agreed that Hitler should have the Sudetanland of Czechoslovakia. The Czechs were not represented at the meeting and realising that no country would come to their aid were forced to surrender the Sudetenland to Germany.
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway to safeguard supply routes of Swedish ore and also to establish a Norwegian base from which to break the British naval blockade on Germany.
  • Blitzkerg

    Hitler launched his blitzkrieg against Holland and Belgium. Rotterdam was bombed almost to extinction.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese, who were already waging war against the Chinese, attacked the US pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.
  • Anne Frank gets a diary for her 13th birthday

    This is when she started documeting her life and events that happen around her.
  • Annex raided by security police

    All occupants and two helpers are arrested and sent to Westerbork transit camp.
  • Anne Franks death

    Anne and Margot are transmitted to concentration camp and killed by typhus