Anne frank

Anne Frank

  • Anne Frank's Birth

    Anne Frank's Birth
    Anne Frank was born is Frankfurt, Germany in 1929.
  • The Franks Move to Amsterdam

    The Franks Move to Amsterdam
    The Franks decide ro leave Germany to escape Nazi persecution. Mr. Frank went to Amsterdam to look for a house while the rest of the family stayed with relatives.
  • Anne's Diary

    Anne's Diary
    Anne recieves a diary for her thirteenth birthday on June 12, 1942.
  • The Franks go into hiding

    The Franks go into hiding
    The Franks go into hiding after Margot recieves an order to appear for deporation to a labor camp in Germany. The Van Pels family joins them one week later.
  • Fritz Pfeffer

    Fritz Pfeffer
    Fritz Pfeffer becomes the eighth occupant of the Secret Annex.
  • Nazi police raid the Secret Annex

    Nazi police raid the Secret Annex
    Nazi police raid the Secret Annex; the occupants are sent to concentration camps.
  • Mr. Van Pels died

    Mr. Van Pels died
    Mr. Van Pels died in Auschwitz.
  • Fritz Pfeffer dies

    Fritz Pfeffer dies
    Fritz Pfeffer dies in Neuengamme.
  • Otto Frank is Released

    Otto Frank is Released
    Three weeks after Edith Frank died Otto Frank is freed when Auschwitz is liberated by the Soviet Army. Anne and Margot die is Bergen-Belsen a few weeks before British soldiers liberate the camp. Peter Van Pels died in Theresienstadt.
  • Anne's Mother Dies

    Anne's Mother Dies
    Anne's mother, Edith Frank, died in Auschwitz.