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Ancient China Timeline

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    Ancient China Paper

    Ancient China Paper
    The Chinese invented the art of paper making by the second century.
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    Ancient China Mechanical Clock

    Ancient China Mechanical Clock
    The Chinese developed the first mechanical clock in about the 8th century. The new clock was more accurate than earlier timekeeping devices, such as sundials and hourglasses.
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    Ancient China Gunpowder

    Ancient China Gunpowder
    The Chinese who first made gunpowder were alchemists, people who practiced a blend of science and magic known as alchemy.
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    Ancient China Game Cards And Paper Money

    Ancient China Game Cards And Paper Money
    Game cards were invented in China in about the 9th century. Printers used woodblock printing to make the cards from thick paper.
  • Ancient China Tea

    Ancient China Tea
    We know from written accounts that the Chinese have been drinking tea since 2700 B.C. For several thousand years, tea-made by letting tea leaves steep in boiling water-was drunk mostly for medicine.