American Dream

By seumin2
  • Period: to

    American Dream

  • Parents' idea of success

    When my parents were my age, their idea of success was all about money. The size of their families were big, but they were poor. Therefore, they couldn't afford good clothes and food.
  • Current parents' idea of success

    Now, their idea of success has changed. As a parent, their idea of success is their childrent to success.
  • My idea of success

    My idea of success is to get a job what I really want to do for my life and to live with my own family who can share love and hope with me for rest of life.
  • way to measure my achievement

    At this time when is 15 years later from now, I would have a job and my own family. I will be able to measure if I have achieved success by feeling happiness. If I do my job with joy and feel happiness when I am with my family, then I will be able to say that I succeed.