Screenshot 2016 11 28 at 11.39.35 pm

Amelia's TimeLine

  • I was born on April 8, 2005

    I was born on April 8, 2005
  • My first word was..

    My first word was..
    My first word was 'Dada' as in dad. Of course I didn't memorize this, my mom told me.
  • Walking

    I don't remember this as well, but have heard many stories. I started walking when my mom showed my a Christmas present, so I was crawling at first, and then I held on to the couch and got up and started walking towards the present.
  • Being a toddler

    Being a toddler was fun, I remember one time when my sister was running through the living room, when my parents told her not to run in the living room, she tripped and fell and hit her eyebrow on the rocking chair, and had to get stitches.
  • Childish

    As a child (7-8) I would always play outside, I had just gotten a new puppy. I would roll down my hill, and he would always run next to me.
  • 5th Grade

    5th grade was fun, but the homework got so much worse. I had made so many more friends in 5th grade! We had a lot of fun stuff to do! Ms.Crossett and Mrs.Espy has combined classrooms, so we always had two teachers.
  • Middle School

    Coming into 6th grade was kind of scary, but also exciting. My first impression was amazing! I thought middle school was so cool, and awesome. We have so much freedom! And now we have so much fun in all of our classes!