Allen's Life Journey

  • The Day I was born

    The Day I was born
  • My city

    My city
    This my live 15 years place.That is a nice city.People call our city is "ICE CITY " Because there is very cold in winter and everywhere ara ice and sonw.
  • Happy every day

    Happy every day
    This is my hope.I hope i can happy every day and do any I enjoy.
  • move to new home

    move to new home
    Move to a home . And i was very sad. Because it was very far away from my school .I should got up very early....: (
  • go to primary school

    go to primary school
    In primary school.I met my first classmates .They all very nice.And I study first konwledge at here
  • start middle school

    start middle school
    When I grow up move to new school.And learn more difficult things.
  • reach toronto

    reach toronto
    I never think I can leave China,and go to another contry before.I was so excited...:-)
  • go to Markville SS

    go to Markville SS
    Go to school.And konw many kind of firends...
  • my first Volunteer job

    my first Volunteer job
  • get good marks for all class

    get good marks for all class
    I hope my mark can get better and better.lLike the picture...
  • get an University

    get an University
    My parents hope me finish an university and get a job that I enjoy it.It's also is my dream
  • get my first job

    get my first job
    The dream come ture.