Ali's Life

By acox
  • Day of Birth

    This is the day Ali was born.
  • Cut Forehead

    Ali ran into and end table with a sharp point and cut her forehead. This was the first time she had ever gotten stitches.
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    This is the day Ali started kindergarten. This is also the day that Ali turned 5 years old.
  • Most Embarrassing Moment

    Most Embarrassing Moment
    This is Ali's most embarrassing moment. In kindergarten during circle time the teacher would not let her use the restroom. She asked a second time and was denied. A short 30 seconds later Ali left a puddle on the floor.
  • First Middle School Athletic Team

    First Middle School Athletic Team
    Ali joined her first athletic in middle school. It was the middle school volleyball team. Throughout the year she joined the Soccer, Basketball, and Track team. She only continued on with Volleyball all the way through College.
  • Graduated 8th Grade

    This is the day that Ali graduated from 8th grade.
  • Graduated from High School

    Graduated from High School
    This is the day that Ali recieved her High School Diploma. More info. on Ali's High School