Alexander the Great

  • 340 BCE

    Philip II died

    Philip II died
    He was killed by a bodyguard.
  • 333 BCE

    2nd Battle with Persia

    2nd Battle with Persia
    Alexander and Darius fought in Issus. Darius escaped and since Alexander couldn't catch him, he took his children and wife.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander conquered Egypt

    Alexander conquered Egypt
    Alexander founded the city of Alexandria and proclaimed to Zeus-Ammon. Alexander conquered Egypt and he left to continue his conquests.
  • 323

    Alexander's death

    Alexander's death
    He and his soldiers were in India, they return home. When they went home, Alexander became ill and died in Iraq. He died at the age of 32.
  • 331

    Battle of Guagamela

    Battle of Guagamela
    In that battle Darius died and Alexander won the battle.
  • 334

    Alexander conquers Persia

    Alexander conquers Persia
    Alexander crosses the Hellespont into Anatolia.
  • 338

    Philip II of Macedonia

    Philip II of Macedonia
    Philip controled Greece.
  • 359

    Philip II became king of Macedonia

    Philip II became king of Macedonia
    Since Philip's father was the king of Macedonia and he died, Philip II had to take his throne. And Philip II conquered Greece.