alex and andrew time thing

  • Human tube systm

    Human tube systm
    A tube system that goes almost everywhere like the subway but faster and smaller
  • hot dog robot

    hot dog robot
    This is a robot that works like a hot dog vendor where you can buy hot dogs but this is much quicker where the hot dogs are made instantly and ts easier to purchase hot dogs.
  • Flying shoes

    Flying shoes
    Shoes that fly places without being to big and looking nice and new
  • Under water house

    Under water house
    A house that is under water like a submarine but big enough to fit 12 people without braking
  • Jet subway

    Jet subway
    A subway so fast you wont see it coming
  • Hat changer

    Hat changer
    This is a machine you can use to instantly change your hat color/shape without having to take your hat off
  • Instant surgery

    Instant surgery
    Surgery that happens in seconds without hurting.
  • Fly car

    Fly car
    A car that can fly with braking
  • Iphone 32

    Iphone 32
    The newest iPhone is here its nothing but a small screen. Your Welcome!
  • Traveling house

    Traveling house
    A house that can teleport places without needing anything but it self