Absolutism in Eastern Europe

  • Ivan's Dynasty

    When Ivan's dynasty ended, there was a time of pure anarchy. This was called the Time of Troubles.
  • The New Czar

    When the Time of Troubles was happening, the Zemsky Sobor called a meeting to elect a new Czar. His name was Michael Romanov.
  • The New-New Czar

    In the Romanov Dynasty, one of the best people in it was Peter the Great, he also believed in Divine Right.
  • A New City

    Peter started construction on a city that was in a swamp, it was called St. Petersburg, and stayed Russia's capital until 1918.
  • Czar Peter's Death

    When Peter the Great died, he made Russia a huge military power in Europe before he died.
  • The End of a Dynasty

    The Romanov Dynasty came to an end in 1917.