Absolutism in Eastern Europe

By easton9
  • Ivan IV

    Ivan IV
    Ivan's dynasty came to an end.a period of anarchy known as the Time of Troubles followed.The Time of Troubles ended about 15 years later.
  • Romanov Dynast

    Romanov Dynast
    The Romanov dynasty started in 1613.One of the most important people in the Romanov dynasty was Peter the Great.Peter was an absolutist monarch who claimed the divine right to rule.The Romanov dynasty ended in 1917.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the Great became the czar.A few years after becoming czar, Peter made a trip to the West. When he returned to Russia, he was determined to westernize, or Europeanize, Russia.He was especially eager to borrow European technology.
  • St.Petersburg

    A long and hard-fought war with Sweden enabled Peter to acquire the lands he sought. On a marshland on the Baltic in 1703, Peter began the construction of a new city, St. Petersburg, his window on the West.
  • Peter the Great Dies

    Peter the Great Dies
    Under Peter, Russia became a great mil- itary power. By his death in 1725, Russia was an important European state.
  • Romanov Dynasty Ends

    Romanov Dynasty Ends
    The Romanov dynasty comes to an end.