Absolute Monarchy

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan IV Born

    Ivan IV Born
    Ivan the terrible, born on August 25 of 1530 was a truly terrible leader. He had many violent outbreaks because his mental state was not very stable. Ivan even killed his own son during one of his outbreaks. Ivan created a centrally controlled Russian state, imposed by military dominance.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1565 to Jan 1, 1572

    Oprichnina (Ivan IV)

    The Oprichnina was the time period when Ivan the Terrible had his true reign of Terror. During this time period Ivan instituted domestic policy of secret police, mass repressions, Public execution and confiscation of land. This time period came about after Ivan threatened to leave his spot on the throne, leaving Russia with no ruler. The people begged for his return, and he came back.
  • Ivan IV Dies

    Ivan IV Dies
    Ivan called many witches and soothsayers to try to heal/soothe him before his death. Nothing worked, and he ended up dying from a supposed stroke. Ivan was an Absolute Monarch because his people let him be one. When his wife died, he threatened to abdicate the thone, which lead his people to plead for his return. Ivan demanded Absolute power of the region surrounding moscow, and he was allowed that power. This started Ivans true rain of terror.
  • Charles I Born

    Charles I Born
    Charles, born November 19, 1600 as a Monarch to England, Scotland and Ireland. While Charles was "in office" he decided to dissolve parliment and rule on his own. This angered the people and eventually led to unrest in Scotland.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War (Frederick William)

    The Thirty Years War lasted for thirty years(obviously) from 1618 to 1648. Frederick William grew up in this war, and was forced away from Berlin so he would not be hurt. Frederick was taught the Calvinist faith and other things to help him when he grew up in the fortress of Kustrin.
  • Frederick William Born

    Frederick William Born
    Frederick William was the ruler of Prussia during his reign. Frederick had great military and political prowess, which led him to see the importance in trade and he promoted it vigorously. Frederick was a military commander and would later stand to be a model for the Prussian Army.
  • Louis XIV Born

    Louis XIV Born
    Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years and 110 days, which is the longest time any monarch has ruled a major country in Europe. Louis XIV broke tradition by standing up and declaring himself ruler without having a chief minister. Many things improved while Louis was "in office". Louis reduced the deficit and expanded and reorganized the French army.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War (Charles I)

    The English Civil war was a major event in Charles' life. The First and Second wars were fought between Charles I supporters and the supporters of Long Parliment. Charles I lost this war and was beheaded in the end. He used his Absolute power to fight, but it wasnt enought to beat Long Parliment.
  • Charles I Dies

    Charles I Dies
    Towards the end of Charles' rule he was forced to call parliment back into order to raise military funds. He was beheaded in London England after losing to Scottish Forces. Charles was an absolute monarch because he Disbanded Parliment to rule on his own.
  • Peter I is born

    Peter I is born
    Peter I, also known as Peter the Great, did as much as he could to make Russia a strong, reputable country. He created a strong navy, reorganized the army and secularized schools. Even though Peter had good intentions, he was a very violent man. High taxes also lead for many people to revolt multiple times.
  • Period: to

    League of Augsburg (Louis XIV)

    The war of The League of Augsburg was a major event that Louis XIV participated in. The Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Sweden, Saxony and Bavaria formed The League of Augsburg to fight against France and Louis XIV. Their intention was to protect the Electorate of Palatinate from France.
  • Frederick William Dies

    Frederick William Dies
    Frederick William has many amazing qualities that make him a very good ruler. There are no obvious reasons to why Frederick William was an Absolute Monarch.
  • Period: to

    Bulavin Rebellion (Peter I)

    The Bulavin Rebellion was the biggest rebellion against Peter I or Peter the Great. Peter succesfully defended against this rebellion. The rebellion was more of a nuisance than an actual problem for Peter, even though his army was divided at the time.
  • Louis XIV Dies

    Louis XIV Dies
    In the palace of Versailles, 4 days before his 77th birthday, King Louis XIV dies of Gengrene. Louis was an absolute monarch because he took power of his France as fast as he could and took it. Louis ruled without a chief minister and believed that he had been chosen by God to rule France.
  • Peter I Dies

    Peter I Dies
    In Saint Petersburg on the 8th of February, peter I dies. Peter was an Absolute Monarch because he was a very violent man that ruled by himself (for most of his reign). Peter did the best that he could to bring Russia up as a Great Country, but he drank excessively and had violent tendancies.