About Me

By jameris
  • Birth

    I was born on May 22, 1999 in Ponce PR
  • My first day at school

    My first school was Colegio Metodista Julia Torres Fernandez at Ponce. I start at prekinder whit three years and a half; my first teacher was Miss Gonzalez, very patien and very kind teacher. on my first day of class all childrens start crying; but i dont because my mother told me " when you look true the window you gonna see me" that was true she was there evry time i look.
  • When I discovered my love for the music

    when I was seven I tried many things and entertainments to do as modeling, scrapbooking and much more, but the only thing that demanded my attention was music; to this day I'm a saxophonist and I play in the university band.
  • Special day

    Special day
    In February 2010 I went to buy my pet a chihuahua puppy that I named Flor. she is seven years old today.
  • When i change the school

    When I was eleven I graduated the sixth grade. It is then when I change from college to one of intermediate and higher grades this college is called Adventist College Dr. Dennis Soto. There I met new friends who accompanied me until I finished my high school studies.
  • Difficult moments

    Days before I started in my new school, something very difficult happened for me; my maternal grandmother passed away. For me it was very difficult and painful. The day before the beginning of classes was his burial.
  • My fifteenth birthday party

    My fifteenth birthday party
    This was at the Ponce Sports Club. the entourage were all male and this was a very special moment.
  • summer

    In summer I enjoy the beach with my sister and nieces. we went to the parguera and spent the days there as a family
  • My first driver's license

    I got my license at age 16 with 85 points
  • My first day of college

    My first day of college
    My first college day was good since I did not take any class. I was a little lost looking for the halls that touched me but it was a very nice experience.