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Abdulla's Timeline

  • Born

    I was born in Jordan on the 8th of May, 2000. Back then, I was the only child my parents had.
  • First Brother Born

    First Brother Born
    Zaid was the first brother i had. Since I am the eldest son, I learnt that I should be responsible for my brothers and it shapes me today because I'm a responsible person.
  • Going to Jordan after 5 years

    Going to Jordan after 5 years
    I was born in Jordan, but I never been there after that until i was 5, when my second brother was born. Going back there changed me because after that summer, I visited Jordan every summer just to see my family, friends, and cousins who are all there. Going back to Jordan made me closer to my cousins, who I still talk to today. This is a picture of me (Yellow) with my favorite cousin, Abdulrahman (Red).
  • Second Brother Born

    Second Brother Born
    Mohammed is my second and last brother I have. I was already responsible because I as the eldest. A new brother added the amount of responsibility I should have to protect them and care about them which shapes me today.
  • World Cup 2006

    World Cup 2006
    I was only 6 years back then, but I remember watching and cheering for France against Italy in the World Cup Final, because all my cousins loved the French team. When France lost the final I was so sad and this still happens to me even today when my favorite club, Real Madrid, loses. Since that World Cup, I had a passion for football and it wasn't just a sport for me but it had many emotions and feeling.
  • Moving from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain

    Although I was born in Jordan, I lived my first 6 years in Saudi Arabia.Even though I was just 6, I still remember how sad I was because I had to leave my school and friends. Moving to Bahrain changed me because I would have been a whole different person in a different place with different people.
  • The Death of my Grandmother

    My grandmother passed away on August 5, 2012. I loved my grandmother a lot, and I would never forget everything she did for me. She was the first person to die in my family, and this affected me a lot. After her death, I became more closer to my grandfather because I know that one day he will be gone too.
  • MKS

    I changed schools in my freshmen year in high school. 9th Grade was my first year here in MKS and this changed me a lot. Becoming a highschooler changed me because I became more careful and nervous about my grades.
  • Visiting Turkey

    Visiting Turkey
    Last summer I sent to Turkey for the first time. Turkey is a really beautiful place and I enjoyed everything about it. Travelling to Turkey made me want to learn more about other countries and the best way to do that is becoming a pilot. This trip inspired me to become a pilot and I hope that one day I do become a pilot and travel around the world.