A snapshot of Australian History (1770 - 1918)

  • Cook Claims Ownership

    Lieutenant James Cook claims the East coast for Australia
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    Colonial Expansion, frontier war and new settlements
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    Period of exploration, frontier war, and new
    settlements being built.
  • Settlement

    First Settlement which is today Sydney
  • Bass and Flinders

    Explorers George Bass and Matthew Flinders journeyed around Tasmania, proving it was a seperate island to the rest of Australia.
  • Settlement in Tasmania

    First two settlements established in Tasmania
  • David Jones

    David Jones stalls were open in Sydney
  • Myall Creek Massacre

    Approximatey 28 men, women and children were murdered by 12 stockmen. This was the only case where white men were charged with murder. They were found guilty and seven of them were hanged.
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    Chinese Migrants

    Several thousand Chinese migrants came to Australia prior to the Gold Rush
  • Gold Rush

    1850 - 1860 Gold Rush
  • Victoria colony

    Victoria broke away fromNew South Wales and became a seperate colony.
  • Black Thursday Bushfires

  • Eureka Rebellion

    The Eureka Rebellion was an armed conflict which is attributed to as the birth of democracy in Australia.
  • Sewerage

    Underground sewerage system in Sydney was established.
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    Heyday bushrangers

    1860 - 1870 is considerewd the 'Heyday' for bushrangers
    Over 2000 bushrangers across the nation
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    Islanders Labour

    62000 young men from South Pacific Islands were tricked or wrongly bribed into coming to Australia to work as labourers and fewer than 4000 of these were women.
  • Japenese in Australia

    The Japenese in Australia mainly were mainly involved in the Australian pearl industry. At first, Aboriginals and Islander people were used for diving for pearls, and the first Japenese recorded to dive was in Torres Strait in 1876, and by 1898 they outnumbered European population.
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    Civil War

    Queensland is in civil war between the armed unions against government forces. Large skirmishes, attacks on wool sheds, and naval battles take place across the colony.
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    Boer War

    Australia fights in the Boer War.
  • Removal of Children

    In Victoria, the 1900 act for the removal of part-Aboriginal children in the hands of the Minister, with no right of appeal to courts. They were effectively imprisoned until they reached working age, they were usually treated badly.
  • Federation

    Federation of Australia is the beginning of the Australian nation.
  • Child Protection Act

    The 'Child Protection Act' was introduced in New South Wales to make it easier to remove Aboriginal children from their parents.
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    1914 - 1918
    Australia fights in WW1 - Major battles include Gallipoli, Beersheba