9th Grade Goal

  • Study Every Night

    Study Every Night
    Study two nights before the test and the day before. Study and understand the topic until you get it right.
  • Write In Planner

    Write In Planner
    Writing in my planner every day lets me know my homework or any special events coming up. Also, having to see how organize I am.
  • Don't Get Distracted

    Don't Get Distracted
    Focus on your work and don't get distracted with people around you. Think of it like work hard and talk later.
  • Get Into Study Groups

    Get Into Study Groups
    Study groups can be another way of getting help. Study groups aren't used for talking and slaking off, their for help and studying.
  • Ask For Help

    Ask For Help
    Asking for help can make a big difference between your grade of studying or not. If I would to ask for help there would be a 100% chance of getting a passing grade on test or quizzes.
  • Get Good Grades

    Get Good Grades
    Do my homework every night to earn a good grade. Also, get into study groups for help or stay after class if needed.
  • Do Your Homework Everyday

    Do Your Homework Everyday
    Doing my homework every day can help a lot of things. For example, doing a 5 paragraph essay can upgrade my grade up to a B+ to an A