Scientifuc Revolution Timeline

By bigblac
  • Jan 11, 1472

    Georg Peurbach's New Theory of the Planets

    Georg Peurbach's New Theory of the Planets
    sought to reconcile geometric descriptive models for predicting planetary motions by employing homocentric celestial spheres
  • Period: Jun 11, 1472 to

    Scientific Revolution Timeline

  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolas Copernicus born.

    Nicolas Copernicus born.
    His Mother Barbara Koppernigk gave birth to nicolas on Febuary 19 1473 in Turon Poland
  • Sep 30, 1494

    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola attacks practical magic

    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola attacks practical magic
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola attacks practical magic from 1463-1494 as it calls into questions traditional notions of human free will; this concern underscores longstanding issues associated with the Condemnations of 1270 and 1277 which seems to have undermined the authority of Aristotle.
  • Nov 17, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan famously completes the first circumnavigation of the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan famously completes the first circumnavigation of the globe
    ferdinan was born in portugal but it was under the spainish flag. After trying to land in the spice land of south america but he ended up in what is now the Phillipines and was killed whil trying to subdue the native indians. even though he did not make it all the way around, one of his ships did, making him the first to go around the world
  • Apr 19, 1532

    Peter Apain discovers Haleys Comet

    Peter Apain discovers Haleys Comet
    Peter Apian born on april 19 1495 Was a German humanist known for his works in mathamatics astronomy, and cartography and what another man dicoverd what now known today as haleys comet
  • William Gilbert studies magnets

    William Gilbert studies magnets
    William Gilbert provided a hyper-empirical study of magnets, magnetism, and electricity with speculations about cosmology. Gilbert collected dozen of diamonds to magnetize, rub magnets with garlic, and otherwise to the English tradition to extreme lengths. It is a pioneering classic in 'empirical' method.
  • Galileo Galilei constructs his first telescope

    Galileo Galilei constructs his first telescope
    Galileo Galilei constructs his first telescope and turns it toward the heavens; his instruments begin at magnifications of approximately 3X and 10X, the most powerful achieving a magnification of 30X, an instrument he eventually gave away as a gift
  • Neutons first reflecting teloscope

    Neutons first reflecting teloscope
    Isaac Newton builds his first reflecting telescope; the design, which includes an eyepiece and a concave mirror, is known today as 'Newtonian'
  • Isaac Newton publishes the first edition of his Opticks

     Isaac Newton publishes the first edition of his Opticks
    Isaac Newton (1642-1727) publishes the first edition of his Opticks, based on work done during his days a Cambridge, including a series of speculations about nature and natural philosophy under enumerated as "Queries".
  • Newton Dies

    Newton Dies
    March 18 - Newton's health fails, he collapses and borders on death; shortly thereafter, Newton dies at Kensington between 1.00 and 2.00am. On 28 March his body lays in state in Westminster Abbey where he is buried on 4 April.