220px godfreykneller isaacnewton 1689

Isaac Newton

  • English Civil War Begins

    English Civil War Begins
    In 1642, civil war broke out in England and lasted for about 7 years. The fighting was mainly between King Charles I and Parliament, headed by Oliver Cromwell. Religious and political issues were the main causes of the war. Conflicts arose between the abusive Anglican King and the mostly Puritan Parliament. The war ended with the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the beheading of Charles I (www.pinkmonkey.com).
  • Birth

    Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day in 1642 at Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire, England. He was born prematurely and many did not believe he would survive. His father, also named Isaac, had died before he was born and his mother left him at the age of 3 to be cared for by his grandmother (Great Minds 5).
  • New England Confederation Formed

    New England Confederation Formed
    In 1643, delegates from Connecticut, New Haven, Massachusetts Bay, and Plymouth Colony met in Boston to form the New England Confederation. This was made to help strengthen and unite the neighboring colonies against the constant threat of Native attacks. Two delegates from each colony met annually to discuss common issues (www.u-s-history.com).
  • Early Signs of Genius

    Early Signs of Genius
    At the age of 9, Isaac Newton was already showing signs of his intelligence. He had drawn sketches of sundials on his bedroom walls and soon learned to tell time by simply looking at shadows and the direction of the sun. In school, he won jumping contests with classmates by timing his jump with large wind gusts. He also experimented with kites, finding out which shape would catch the most wind (Great Minds 10).
  • Enrolls in Cambridge University (Trinity College)

    Enrolls in Cambridge University  (Trinity College)
    The hieght of Isaac Newton's creative power were the years he spent at Cambridge University. He enrolled as a student in 1661 and continued to spend most of his life there as a professor and lecturring until 1696. As a student he studied optics, physics, and mathematics. It was during these years that Newton developed a form of mathematics known today as Calculus (Physics 16). This was also when he began writing Principia and Opticks: two of his most historical pieces of work (Christianson 22).
  • Presents Reflecting Telescope to Royal Society

    Presents Reflecting Telescope to Royal Society
    Isaac Newton invented a revloutionary telescope. The popular telescopes at the time, the refracting telescope, had many flaws. Newton solved these flaws by using his knowledge of light and colors to create a telescope using mirrors instead of lenses. His telescope was then presented to the Royal Society in 1671 and later leading to his induction to the Royal Society (Christianson 34).
  • Principia is Published

    Principia is Published
    One of Isaac Newton's most important accomplishments was Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (or "Principia" for short). The paper explained Newton's famous law of gravity and stated the three laws of motion. The paper also covered astronomy and mathematics. This was sent to the Royal Society and published in 1687. Much of the work in physics and astronomy today are still based off the main ideas of Principia (Christianson 48).
  • Elected to Parliament as Representative of Cambridge University

    Elected to Parliament as Representative of Cambridge University
    Isaac Newton was elected to represent Cambridge University in Convention Parliament in 1689-1690. He was re-elected in 1701-1702. In 1696 he was elected Warden of the Mint and later Master of the Mint. During these years, Newton did not focus much on science or mathematics (Christianson 83).
  • Treaty of Limerick Ends Williamite War

    Treaty of Limerick Ends Williamite War
    The Treaty of Limerick ended the Williamite War in Ireland. The Williamite War was between King William III and King James II. The treaty was signed on October 3rd in 1691 on a rock known today as Treaty Rock (Grun 322).
  • Beginning of Queen Anne's War

    Beginning of Queen Anne's War
    In 1702, conflict between England and France had started. England aquired allies like the Netherlands and several German states while Spain sided with the French. Also known as the War of Spanish Succession, Queen Anne's War lasted until 1713 with the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht (Grun 325).
  • Elected President of Royal Society

    Elected President of Royal Society
    In 1703, Isaac Newton was elected President of the Royal Society. The Royal Society was one of the most prestigious scientific societies in existence. Isaac Newton's important contributions in science and mathematics granted him this position, a position he would retain for life as he was re-elected every year until he died (Christianson 92).
  • Opticks is Published

    Opticks is Published
    Other than Principia, Opticks was another of Newton's most famous books. In it he explains light, colors, reflecting, refracting and more. He was the first to experiment with shining white light at a prism and realized that all the colors of the rainbow were shown. He also organized colors into a color wheel which many painters todays still use. Much of our modern understanding of light and colors come from the work of Isaac Newton (Christianson 117).
  • Knighted by Queen Anne

    Knighted by Queen Anne
    Isaac Newton was knighted by Queen Anne in 1705. This great honor was a result of his important contributions in science and politics (Christianson 123).
  • An Infant Named Ietsugu Becomes Shogun of Japan

    An Infant Named Ietsugu Becomes Shogun of Japan
    In 1713, Tokugawa Ietsugu became Shogun of Japan. He had taken this position at such a young age, he could not even speak. Ietsugu did not care about his country much and most of the governing was done by his advisors (Grun 329).
  • France Delcares War on Spain

    France Delcares War on Spain
    In 1719, France declared war on Spain. Thus, adding to the countless conflicts that France takes part in during their conquest for land and power (Grun 334).
  • Death

    Isaac Newton died of illness on March 20th 1727 in Kensington, England. Isaac Newton was one of the most important scientists of all time and his ideas and laws are still the basis of modern science (Great Minds 5).