Science combat 7


By ihes53

    Isaac Newton was born in a small settlement in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England (using the "old" Julien calendar, Newton's birthday is on December 25, 1642). He was the only son of a successful local farmer, also named Isaac Newton, who died three months before he was born. A early born baby that was tiny and weak, Newton was not expected to survive.
  • Reunites with his mom

    Reunites with his mom
    At age 12, Newton was reunited with his mother after her second husband died. She brought along her three small children from her second marriage. Newton had been enrolled at the King's School in Grantham, a town in Lincolnshire, where he lodged with a local apothecary and was introduced to the fascinating world of chemistry. His mother pulled him out of school, for her plan was to make him a farmer and have him tend the farm. Newton failed miserably, as he found farming monotonous.

    Isaac Newton went to college at Trinity College. He received his bachelor's degree. He planned on continuing his education at Trinity College, but had to return home temporarily when the school shut down because of a plague.

    Influences that made them perusing Mathematics: Isaac Newton was influenced by many of the great astronomers and mathematicians who came before him.These include Copernicus, Keplar, Galileo and Descartes. ... It was Newton who struck upon the Laws of Motion and the Law of Gravitation.
  • Home

    His most important discoveries were made during the two-year period from 1664 to 1666, when the university was closed and he retired to his hometown of Woolsthorpe.

    Isaac Newton made the first functional reflecting telescope in 1668. He made it by using a concave primary mirror and a flat diagonal secondary mirror.

    Newton studied at Cambridge and was professor there from 1669 to 1701, took over his teacher Isaac Barrow's job as Lucasian professor of mathematics. His most important discoveries were made during the two-year period from 1664 to 1666, when the university was closed and he retired to his hometown of Woolsthorpe.

    Our modern understanding of light and color begins with Isaac Newton (1642-1726) and a series of experiments that he publishes in 1672. He is the first to understand the rainbow .he refracts white light with a prism, resolving it into its component colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
  • three laws motion.

    Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in motion in a straight line unless a outside force .The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA(I did not come up with the name Isaac did)

    PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA(I did not come up with the name Isaac did)
    Isaac published a book called "Principia Mathematica." The book "Principia Mathematica"mostly talked about gravity and it's properties in a part of the book called "Discourse concerning Gravity and its Properties."

    On March 31, 1727, Isaac newton was 85 when he had severe pain in his abdomen and blacked out, never to wake up again. He died the next day.

    Calculus, known in its early history as infinitesimal calculus, is a mathematical discipline focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series. Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz independently invented calculus in the mid-17th century.

    "In 1752, young Isaac was reading until an apple fell on his head which is when he came up with his theory for gravity." That came from one of his friends book.