
Issac Newton

  • Issac Newton is born

    Issac Newton is born
    Issac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, England. His mother Hannah Newton a single parent raised him to the age of three when she remaired Barnabas Smith a clergyman. This event is significant because Issac Newton would go on to discover many things and write important scientific books. (Anderson 5)
  • End of English Civil War

    End of English Civil War
    King Charles I quarreled with Parliament. Oliver Cromwell who was Puritan led a rebellion agianst King Charles. King Charles was tried for treason and beheaded. this event ended the English Civil War. This event is significant because Oliver Cromwell and became Lord protector and ruled Britian for nine years. Cromwell did not get along with Parliament any better than Charles did. (Andersen 13-14)
  • The Black Death

    The Black Death
    A serious illness that broke out in England was the great plague. This Plauge is a disease of rats that passed to people by fleas.Symtoms that first appeared were a flu with a headache,fever, and dizziness. Followed by swelling of armpits and on neck, in a few days it killed the patient or they would recover. Most died. The significance of this event was people fleed London and carried the sickness to other cities by accident. (Anderson 30-31)
  • Newtons idea of universal gravitation

    Newtons idea of universal gravitation
    "Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them." The significance of this event is Newton dicovered one of the biggest laws of physics and used to find the pull between two objects like planets. (Stevens 36)
  • The Great Fire of London

    The Great Fire of London
    The Great Fire of London was a devastating fire in the heart capital of England. This fire burned many homes and killed many people. The significance of this event is the fire killed many people and took years to rebuild the damages of the fire. (Worlds Books 57)
  • Newton becomes Professor of Mathematics

    Newton becomes Professor of Mathematics
    Issac Newton becomes the second Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. This was the vry prestigous post of learning at this time. The signifcance of this event is Newton took over for Isaac Barrow and this postion is still held today at the University of Cambridge.
    (World Books)
  • Becomes member of Royal Society

    Becomes member of Royal Society
    Isaac Newton became a member of the Royal Society, which is a group of scientists committed to the experimental method. He battled ideas with Robert Hooke on ideas of light. The significance of this event is without Newtons discoveries we would not have the information today on how light passes through objects. (Anderson)
  • Philadelphia founded

    Philadelphia founded
    William Penn finds Philadelphia the city of "brotherly love". This was a home for many quakers to find a profitable home for trade and such goods. The significance of this event is if William Penn did not buy the land in North America, The United States might not be big as it is today. (Trager 260)
  • Newton publishes Principia

    Newton publishes Principia
    'Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica," Latin for "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". Often called the Principia by Newton.The Principia states Newton's laws of motion, also forming some ideas of calculus. The significance of this event is with out this book we wouldnt have calculus or how motion works and we couldnt find speed. (World Books 56)
  • James II flees England

    James II flees England
    James the Second flees England because he lost his nerve and left it all. Then William the Third and Mary the Second become joint rulers in England. The significance of this event is it showed james the Seconds poor ruler efforts and how weak he really was. (Anderson 120)
  • Newton becomes member of Parliment

    Newton becomes member of Parliment
    In 1689 Newton became memeber of Parliment which is like being a senat or representative in England. he had the right to make rules and vote on issues.
    'The significance of this event is it was one of Isaac Newtons greatest acheivments and was starting to be noticed by the whole world. (Anderson 120)
  • Newton appointed Master of Mint

    Newton appointed Master of Mint
    Newton got his appointment to the Mint because of his legacy as a scientist and because he supported the winning side in the Revolution in England. The Master of the Mint was an important goverment office in England during this time. Master was the highest office in the Mint. The significance of this event is Newton was given more power in Politics for being such a great scientist. (Anderson 120)
  • Publication of Opticks

    Publication of Opticks
    Newton publishes book called Opticks that described the nature of light. Also it stated how lights reflection off prisms and such three demensial objects. It also showed how light was "bent". The significance of this event shows how light and color act on different materials and shapes. he unlocked the secrets of light and color. (World Books 57)
  • Newton was knighted

     Newton was knighted
    Isaac Newton was knighted by Queen Anne in the Masters Lodge of Trinity College. Newton was knighted because of his recognition of his scientific achievements, and also his goverment jobs he hashad in his carrer. The significance of this event was Newton became royalty and his more known ther never before. (World Books 57)
  • China outlaws Christianity

    China outlaws Christianity
    In 1716 China outlawed any religous teachings in the country. They did this because the Chinese Rites controversy led the Kangxi Emperor to ban Christianity. The signifgance of this event is many people were killed and had to leave the country the minority religon, Christianity, had to abandon their faith pr to die. (Trager 261)
  • Newtons death

    Newtons death
    Isaac Newton died in Kensington, England, he died in his sleep. After his death, Newton's hair was examined and found to contain mercury, no one knows for sure, Newton could of died of mercury posioning. The significance of this event is one of the greatest scientists died and with his remarkable findings we know more about the world today. Wor;d Books 56-57)