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Events leading to the Civil Rights Movement

  • Congress of Racial Equality

    Congress of Racial Equality
    CORE is an organization which was created in 1942, anyone who believed African Americans should have equal and fair rights as whites then they would join this group. These people would work together at making African Americans have these rights.
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    Events leading to Civil Rights Movement

  • The first black Major League Baseball

    The first black Major League Baseball
    Jackie Robinson was the first black MLB player, which lead up to the Civil rights movement. Before he became a major baseball player there was no such thing as an african american professional baseball player atleast since the 1880's. He was very sucessful and won many awards. Jackie Robinson brought an end to racial segragation in professional baseball.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    On July 26, 1948 this order was signed by Harry Truman. It stated that everyone in the armed service all have equal rights, whether what race, religion, or color they may be. This gave every person equal opportunity.
  • Dixiecrats

    The Dixiecrats was a group of people from the south who broke off from the democratic party. These people opposed racial integration and wanted to keep the Jim Crow laws in use. The dixiecrats objected to the civil rights movement program developed by the democratic party, which forced them to break apart from them.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine is a group of African American students of Little Rock central high school. The group was not allowed to enter into the school due to their race. On the first day of school they all had to be escorted because they were being followed by a huge mob of people who threatened them.This event lead to public schools closing to avoid integration, when the school reopened only two of the nine students went.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This was a decision made by the United States supreme court which allowed the making of sperate schools for blacks and whites. Because this was unfair and not equal and showed great discrimination towards blacks, this desicion did not go through.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Emmett Till was an African American boy from Illinois who was in Mississippi visiting relatives. He was murdered when he was fourteen years old due to "flirting" with a white girl. After he was murdered his body was put into a river. No charges were filed and there was not enough evidence to go after other suspects. This lead up to the civil rights movement.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    The purpose of the Montgomery bus boycott was to get people to recongnize how unfair blacks were being treated, and how blacks should not have to sit in the back of the bus just because of thier race. Rosa Parks was an African American women who refused to sit in the back of the bus, and then was arrested for it. This event has lead up to the Civil Rights movement.
  • SCLC

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is an organization which played a large role in the civil rights movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was associated with this organization as the President. The purpose of this organization was to put a stop to racial discrimination and allowing African Americans to have the same rights as whites.
  • SNCC

    This was an organization to get rid of segregation. A group of four African American guys sat at a lunch counter, which was only for whites. The workers would not wait on them so the four guys sat there until the place closed. The next day they brought twenty five other students and the same thing happened, they got denied.