American History Timeline

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
  • Willaim Taft Elected

    William H Taft elected president
  • Purchase of Menchurian Rail Roads

    Secretary of state Philander C. Knox proposes that American bankers and industrialist will purchase the Menchurian rail roads from Japan and Russia and return them to Chinese control.
  • Mexican Revolution Begins First

    The first Mexican Revolution begins
  • American Bankers and Investors

    American bankers and investors reorganize the Nicaraguan financial structure and begin to manage it's customs service- The mexican revolution is led by Francisco Mandero, and in 1911 they gain control of Mexico and appoint Medero President.
  • Chinese Republic Huge Loan

    The us and five other nations offer the new Chinese Republic a huge loan a group of 2,500 marines land in Nicaragua to suppress a rebellion, and they remain for 13 years due to the continued instability- Woodrow Wilson removes governmental support for American businesses operating in the Caribbean and China
  • Mexico assasinates Medero

    American investments in Mexico is well over a billion dollars, including significant ownership in rail roads, oil resources, and mines- Another revolutionary group in Mexico assasinates Medero; the leader of the coup, Gerneral Victoriano Huerto, then assume the Presidency.
  • President Huerta steps down

    The Haitian people are outraged by the oppressive nature of their President, so they rebelled-The US begin supplying weapons to the Huerta's rivals, Venustiano Carranza and Francisco Pancho Villa after intense internal and external pressure, president Huerta steps down as ruler of Mexico
  • Jones Act of 1916

    Wilson signs the Jones Act of 1916, which promises the Philippeans independence as soon as they are able to demenstrate that they have a stable government
  • Removing men from Mexico

    Wilson recalls General John J. Persting and his men from Mexico
  • Philippeans Independence

    July 4, the America grants the Philippeans inderpendence.