Jordons 1966 timeline

  • America decides to stay in South Vietnam

    America decides to stay in South Vietnam
    United States President Lyndon Johnson states that the United States should stay in South Vietnam until Communist aggression there is ended.
  • Soviet Luna 9 spacecraft

    February 3 – The unmanned Soviet Luna 9 spacecraft makes the first controlled rocket-assisted landing on the Moon.
  • The 23rd Communist Party Conference

    March 29 – The 23rd Communist Party Conference is held in the Soviet Union; Leonid Brezhnev demands that U.S. troops leave Vietnam, and announces that Chinese-Soviet relations are not satisfying.
  • The Indonesian Army and The United states

    April 2 – The Indonesian army demands that the country rejoin the United Nations.
  • Sniper Charles Whitman

    August 1
    Sniper Charles Whitman kills 13 people and wounds 31 from atop the University of Texas at Austin Main Building tower, after earlier killing his wife and mother.
  • Gurindji people walk off Wave Hill Station

    August 23 - two hundred Gurindji people walk off Wave Hill Station in the Northern Territory in protest at low wages and poor conditions
  • South African Prime Minister murdered

    September 6 – In Cape Town, the South African architect of Apartheid, Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, is stabbed to death by Dimitri Tsafendas
  • Tnisisia severs diplomatic relations with the United Arab Republic

    October 3 – Tunisia severs diplomatic relations with the United Arab Republic.
  • Prime Minister lan Smith

    December 22 – Prime Minister Ian Smith declares that Rhodesia is already a republic.