internet etc

  • pascals calculator

    pascals calculator
    this machine could add and subtract
  • Leibniz's machine

    Leibniz's machine
    it could do multiplication and division
  • Difference engine

    Difference engine
    Charles Babbage, inventor of machine computing, designs a mechanical computer, or "difference engine", assisted by Byron's daughter Ada Lovelace. The machine could perform calculations and print the results, but neither this machine nor his later "analytical engine" are constructed in his lifetime, due to practical and financial difficulties ("though construction of one began in London in the 1990s [sic]"). 1834:1 The difference engine can handle variables in equations, and give thousands of re
  • morse

    morse code
  • telegraph

    which is used between two railway stations in London
  • IBM

  • Hitler's Enigma

  • big computers

    they were big
  • IBM computers

  • bartans network

  • email

  • network conference

  • bartans machine network nearly done

  • protocol rfc

  • shit happened

  • gateways

  • email between two people

  • video text

  • cyber space

  • the internet takes shape

  • the switch to ip

  • internet BOOM

  • internet is a way of life and is used by over a billion people everyday

  • internet

    the internet is really fast and you cant cap it and it generally stops being crap