Manifest destiny

Growth and Change

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana  Purchase
    In 1803, Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon Bonaparte of France for $15 million dollars. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. This lead the people to believe in Manifest Destiny and moving West.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    In 1804, Thomas Jefferson sent Merriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territories that the United States had gained though Louisiana Purchase. Lewis and Clark, along with the Corps of Discovery and Sacagewea, went and explored the new territories. Their goal was to reach the West Coast. On the way to the Pacific Ocean, they explored the Columbia River. They also kept journals with pictures and entries of what they saw on there expedition. This made many people want to move West.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    On June 18, 1812 the United States declared war on Great Britain. This war is known as the War of 1812. There were three main goals of the war for the USA. The firsts was to end the impressment of sailors. The second was to keep Britian from helping the Indians and the last goal was to drive the British out of Canada. The war ended when to US and the Britian were in a stalemate. This caused the other world powers to start respecting the United States.
  • The Acquisition of Florida

    The Acquisition of Florida
    On Feb. 22 1819, the United States and Spain agreed to sign a Treaty that gave Florida to the USA. Before this treaty was signed, Spain and the people in Georgia were having small battles. In the Treaty, Spain was required to donate $5 million dollars to the people in Georgia to pay for the money that was spent in the small battles that had happed.
  • Abolitionist Movemoent

    Abolitionist Movemoent
    People in the 1800's couldn't agree on slavery. Plantation owners thought that that slavery was needed to grow cash crops such as cotton and tobacco. Others felt that slavery was wrong because you enslaved which they thought was against the Consitition, so they were called Abolitionist. Abolitionist were very good at spreading their belief. They would write phamplets, and travel across the country to speak their cause.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    On July 4 1845, Texas joined the Union after being an indpenant republic after winning a war againest Mexcio. Texas was known as the Lone Star Republic for ten years until it joined to United States.
  • Acquisition of Oregon

    Acquisition of Oregon
    In 1846 the United States gained Oregon from Britian. There was a lot more Americans than Britishh in and near the Oregon country. The British agreed to leave Oregon,in that exact smae year, country and drew a latitude line of 54-40 marking the United States territory.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    finally Mexicans surrendered. In Feburary of 1848, Mexico agreed to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In this treaty Mexico gave up a extensive amount of territory. It included the present-day states of Calofornia, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and other four states. Mexico also agreed to have the Rio Grande as the border between the U.S. and Mexico. The United States also agreed to pay Mexico !% million dollars.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    One person had found gold in calfornia. Many people found out about it and sooon many people went lloking fro gold in California.
  • Gasden Purchase

     Gasden Purchase
    The United States went to war with Mexico because the Mexicans killed Americans, so that gave president Zachary Polk an excuse to g to war with Mexico. Five yearas later Congress bought present day Arizona and New Mexico. That purchase was called the Gasden Purchase.
  • Suffrage Movement

    Suffrage Movement
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Suasn B. Anthony were leaders of the womens suffage. They worked hard to help women get the right to vote. Suffage means the right to vote. Suffagist were women and men that women to have the same right as men. It wasn't only the right to vote that women wanted it was also the right to property. Women did get these rights until the early 1900's. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were not living when women finally got the right to vote.