Time Line - Final Project

  • Period: to

    Bio Social - The First Two Years

    The first two years growth is very rapid for the body mind and social relationships. You're family and culture play a major role in the biosocial area. My mother was a stay at home mother, she took care of me and nurtured me from the day I was born. She was lucky enough not to suffer from post-partum depression.
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    Cognitive - The First Two Years

    My mom would read stories to me and play learning activities with me. We would play letter games and counting games to help me develop better cognitive skills.
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    Psychosocial - The First Two Years

    My mom's stress level was medium, she had me and my brother, who was two at the time to take care of, along with keeping up with all the house hold chores. However she was lucky enough to be able to stay home and raise us.
  • Period: to

    BioSocial - The First Two Years

    Percentiles rang from 0 - 100. 50th being the midpoint, I was most likely ranked higher than the midpoint. I was below average in height growing up and above average when I started walking. I was the earliest walker out of me and my two brothers. I was walking before I was one year old.
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    Cognitive - The First Two Years Language

    I was raised with two different languages at home. English being the first, most spoken and Arabic being the second.
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    Psychosocial- The First Two Years

    I was the second born into the family, I have an older brother, who is two years older than me. We were raised together and played and spent a lot of time together growing up. We grew up with all of our cousins, who are all around the same age as us and all spent time together. I spent most of my time with family as a child, our neighborhood was full of children but most of my time was spent with the family.
  • Bio Social - The Play Years

    You're social life begins to grow as a child you begin to make friends and your imagination and social skills begin developing outside of just the family. I grew up in a neighborhood full of kids all within a few years of eachother, along with a family of cousins all close in age. We were always playing new games and thinking of new things to do.
  • The play years - cognitive

    Youre mind starts to grow, you begin to explore and see things in ways you didnt before. I remember always being curious, and wanting to be a spy, thinking about different ideas and ways to go about things.
  • The Play Years - Psychosocial

    Family was a big part of my childhood. Always being around my cousins or going to my grandparents. Its were I learned a lot of things and grew. My friends played a lot into my life, however at home, family always came first.
  • Adult Years - cogntive

    I've grown as an adult mainly threw these last few years of college, I've been a lot more dependant and have learned a lot more about myself.
  • Adulthood - BioSocial

    My relationships have grown and matured as I've gotten older. I've learned what people are going to be there when I need them and what people aren't. I've let go of a lot of people and depend mainly on myself and my family. My relationship with men have changed and its more serious now that I am older.
  • Adulthood - Psycho Social

    Being the only girl in the house I have a lot of responsibilty and expectations. I work two jobs and go to school and take care of my own finances. Its helped me grow and take in a lot more independance as a women.