
Russian Revolution

  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    This was a period of time in Russia where Nicholas believed in the principles of autocracy. Autocracy is a form of government where Nicholas would have total power. Anyone who questioned him, worshipped outside of the Russian Orthodox church or didnt speak the russian language was considered dangerous. Nicholas created a program to move the country foward. The government increased taxes to increase the amount of industries. This became successful, and Russia was the 4th ranked country for steel
  • Industrialization and Problems it cause Russia

    Industrialization and Problems it cause Russia
    The growth of factories led to grueling working conditions which led to sickness or broken body parts. Also there was very low wages and child labor. Workers organized strikes to have a better enviroment and increase in money when working in factories. People were taking a stand against a dictatorship and revolutionized factories.
  • Developtment of revolutionary Groups

    Developtment of revolutionary Groups
    As people were organizing strikes about the factories revolutionary groups were being created to grow and compete for power. There were two groups over revolutionary tactics. One was the Mensheviks who wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution, while the other group called the Bolsheviks supported a small number of revolutionaries who would do anything for change, This shows how russian people are taking a stand against a dictatorship and forming a revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Workers went to the Czar's winter palace demanding better working conditions, more freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas ordered his soldiers to fire on the crowd. More than 1000 were wounded and several hundred were killed. This shows people revolutionizing and are realizing they should have power.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Nicholas made a fateful decision to engage in World War 1 even though Russia was unprepared to handle the military and economic costs. They were no match for the Germans. Germans killed more than 4 million Russian soldiers within a year. This revealed the weaknesses of a dictatorship and the military leadership.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike. Within the next few days riots flared due to the lack of bread and fuel. 200,000 workers walked the streets shouting "Down with the Autocracy, and Down with the war." As time went by, soldiers sided with the workers. This forced Nicholas to abdicate his thrown. A year later, Nicholas and his family were executed and the czar was finally over.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    After three centuries of czarist rule, the March Revolution finally took it down. Nicholas and his family were executed a year after this event took place. Revolutionaries in russia finally became successful.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the Bolsheviks took control of the Petrograd Soviet, as well as the soviets in other Russian cities. Lenins slogan was "Peace, Land, and Bread" Factory Workers called themselves Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over Government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government. Lenin gave farmland to peasants, and factories to workers. He also signed a peace treaty with Germany.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    Lenin gave farmland to peasants, and factories to factory workers. He gave power to ordinary citiziens and went against a dictatorship. He lead a civil war in russia against the white army. This group wanted a retern of the czar. Bolsheviks defeated this group which showed they were able to both seize power and can maintain it. Since the Russian Economy was detroyed, Lenin formed a New Economic Policy. This allowed peasants to sell there cops instead of turing them to the government.
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    After Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922, stalin was in charge. He was a cold, hard, and impersonal man. After taking total control of the communist party, he stood to weild absolute power as a dictator.