
  • Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • 13 - 15 months Physical development

    13 - 15 months Physical development
    In this stage of development the infant may be able to stand alone without support for a short time. They may also cimb out of a crib, high chair, or stroller.
  • 13-15 months Intellectual Development

    13-15 months  Intellectual Development
    In this stage of infant development the child is able to fit a round block into a round hole in form board. They also have a very short memory with almost no forethought.
  • 15-18 months Physical Development

    15-18 months Physical Development
    In this stage of development an infant can walk fast and runs stiffly. They can also like to grab anything and everything!
  • 15-18 month Intellectual

    15-18 month Intellectual
    In this stage an infant can remember where objects belong and vocabulary increases to six to ten words.
  • 18-21 month Inellectual

    18-21 month Inellectual
    In this stage of intellectual development an infant is interested in small things such as bugs. They constantly ask "What's that?".
  • 18-21 month Physical

    18-21 month Physical
    In this stage of development an infant can run without falling often and can walk sideways and backwards.
  • 21-24 months Physical

    21-24 months Physical
    In this stage of development an infant walks with more coordination and assurance. They like to walk on short walls and performs other stunts.
  • 21-24 months Intellectual

    21-24 months Intellectual
    In this stage of development an infant has a vocabulary of 50 or more words, and may follow simple directions.
  • 24-30 months Intellectual

    24-30 months Intellectual
    In this stage of development an infant is able to plan to play activity and carry it out. They also refer to themselves by name, then learns pronouns.
  • 24-30 months Physical

    24-30 months Physical
    In this stage of development infant can climb on jungle gym with fair amout of ease. Also infant can open doors by turning knobs.
  • 30-36 months intellectual

    30-36 months  intellectual
    In this stage of development infants begin to classify objects into general categories. Also understands relative size big and small
  • 30-36 months physical

    30-36 months physical
    In this stage of development infants enjoy games involving running. Also infants turn knobs with greater strenghth.
  • Four years of age Physical

    Four years of age Physical
    At four years a child can hop on one foot and walks backward easily. They also throw balls overhand.
  • Four years of age. Social & Emotional

    Four years of age. Social & Emotional
    At four years of age a child can cut on the lines with scissors. They can also copy a cirl and a cross.
  • Four years. Activity

    Four years. Activity
    A great activity for a four year old would be "Zoo Kepper". You set out items such as nets, buckets, plastic shovel, and stuffed animals. Allow the children to pretend they are working zoo keepers. Their imagination will run wild, and they will be moving around.
  • Five years of age. Physical

    Five years of age. Physical
    At the age of five children being to skip with alternating feet and can do somersaults. They can also balance on one foot for a short period.
  • Five years Intellectual

    Five years Intellectual
    At five years of age a child can draw a person with a head, body, arms and legs. They also prefer buttoning their own buttons.
  • Five years of age. Activity

    Five years of age. Activity
    A great activity for five year olds is making funny face sandwichs. Use ingrediants such as bread, peanut butter, raisins, pickles, carrots and let shread the carrots to make hair. Le the children play around and make funny faces then let them eat it. It's a great way to let them be creative and their imagination grows.
  • Six years of age. Physical

    Six years of age. Physical
    At the age of six children can ride a two-wheel bicycle with training wheels. They can also jump rope and easily catches and throws a ball.
  • Six years if age. Intellectual

    Six years if age. Intellectual
    At the age of six a child can cut,paste and color skillfully. They write entire words and tie their own shoes.
  • Six years of age. Activity

    Six years of age. Activity
    A great activity for six year olds is paper plate lions. Use materials such as paper plates, orange, yellow, brown and red yarn, yellow cotton balls, markers, crayons, glue and construction paper. Use the paper plate as the lions head. Glue yellow cotton balls or colored yarn all around the paper plate for the lion's mane. Let them draw the face. Cut out ears from construction paper and glue them to the top of the paper plate. It lets them be creative and keeps them busy.