
Philosophies of china

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    Legalism was based on teaching by hanfeizi he was a prince of the royal family of the state Han.
  • Period: 256 to Feb 1, 1045

    philosophies of china

    The zhou dynasty lasted from about 1045 to 256 B.C.E.During its later years, different leaders fought to control in china.
  • 500


    Daoism was based on the ancient chinese idea of the dao, or "the way." Dao was the force that gave order to the natural universe.
  • Nov 23, 722


    confucianism is based on the teachings of kongfuzi, who was called confucius by westerners. this philosophy deeply influence chinese culture.
  • Apr 26, 770

    conflict and creative thought

    a number of small states quarreled with one another,they eventually grouped into six of seven bigger states that warred for power.
  • Apr 23, 1045

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    around 1045 B.C.E, the Zhou, a group of people in northwestern china moved into the central plains.they rebelled and established a new dynasty.