5 Environmental Factors Programming Me

  • "Do good in school"

    "Do good in school"
    I study a lot and give a good amount of effort in my work.
    I don't always want to complicate things but I end up doing it too many times.
    My private elementary school influenced me a lot in studying. (We had to strictly follow teachers and there was even a ranking system "top 10".)
  • Quality Time

    Quality Time
    I like spending time by myself (watching shows and movies alone, being quiet). Because of this I usually never hangout with friends outside of school.
    Growing up I was the only grandchild in both my mom and dad's side (that may have influenced me). I played mostly alone and was inside all the time.
  • Curious about things

    Curious about things
    I'm the type of person who will choose to eat out or travel somewhere than have a party.
    In my past birthdays I did remember having parties but I was only thrilled mostly by the amount of food served.
    But I also grew up going to the city in my birthdays and flying to a different country. (I enjoyed that so much more).
  • I save most of my money

    I save most of my money
    When I'm given money I mostly save it and don't spend it. If I do spend it, it's not just for food or random stuff.

    Ever since I was little I was taught to save money and I see my mom saving as well so I've developed that habit. Putting money away/not spending is simple.
  • It's Personal

    It's Personal
    I don't show my true sadness or anger towards someone.
    I think that being around positive families made me want to resist causing some kind of negative feeling.
  • I will change...

    I will change...
    If I would change one of my environmental factors I will change who I am around with.
    I guess I would have to take in more of the world by getting a job or visit friends and other family.
    Quality time is not entirely bad, but it has some bad effects if you keep abusing it. Effects like isolation.