Cieri 6 Olha

  • Period: Apr 13, 1490 to

    Olha Lee

  • Apr 13, 1492

    Christopher Columbus' discovery

    Christopher Columbus' discovery
    Colunbus made a plan to sail to the Indies but had a hard time because everyone back then tought the Earth was flat. On his voyage he landed in America. His voyage was ont the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
  • Apr 13, 1519

    Alvarez de Pineda explored the Gulf Coast of Texas

    Alvarez de Pineda explored the Gulf Coast of Texas
    Alvarez de Pineda has led many expoditions. A little earlier, he explored part of Florida and he thought it was a island. The exploration with the Gulf Coast was to find a sea lane to Asia.
  • Apr 14, 1519

    Spaniards begin to explore Texas

    Spaniards begin to explore Texas
    Cabaza de Vaca was one of the first to explore Texas. At first he landed in Galveston. Later all the Spaniards began to colonize in Texas by building all the materials they needed.
  • Apaches arrive in Texas

    Apaches arrive in Texas
    The Apaches migrated to Texas from Canada.They spoke Athapaskan. In Texas they farmed corn, beans and squash but when the they ate all the food that that season brought they began to hunt.
  • Horses are tamed by Apaches

    Horses are tamed by Apaches
    Horses were brought to Apaches by Spaniards. The horses were tamed to make bufalo hunting easier. When the Apaches got horses it was easier for them to trap buffalo.
  • San Antonio becomes the capial of Texas

    San Antonio becomes the capial of Texas
    San Antonio's original founder was Father Antonio Olivares. He named it San Antonio after the feast day of St. Antony. Before the area was occupied by Spanish explorers the area was taken by small Indian tribes.
  • U.S Declaration is signed

    U.S Declaration is signed
    The Declaration of independance was made to become an inevidual country and to be separate from England. It mentioned that all men are created equal, that all men have some kind of rights given to them by god, and that among all those rights there is life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.
  • General Sam Huoston becomes president of the Republic of Texas

    General Sam Huoston becomes  president of the Republic of Texas
    Houston was the governor of two states, president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. senator, and military hero. He was very brave and had some drinking problems. when he married his 3rd wife, she made him stop. although he still drank a little he didn't stand out. Back then, people drank all the time and to them it wasn't a big deal as it is today.
  • Battle of the Alamo occures in Texas

    Battle of the Alamo occures in Texas
    The battle of the Alamo occured when Santa Anna arrive with his 6000 men to attack the Alamo. The opposing side stuck together even though they only had 600 men. The word Alamo means " cottonwood"
  • Texas becomes the 28th state

    Texas becomes the 28th state
    Texas became a state in February, 1845. The autorizing votes were 27 to 25. Then, after Texas joined the Union it had to have anexation two months later.
  • Baylor University is founded

    Baylor University is founded
    In 1845, 2 baptist men organised a university "to meet all the demand of all ages to come". The men that discovered it were named William M. Tryon and Judge R.E.B. Baylor. William was a missionary and Baylor was a legislator in both Kentuky and New York.
  • First group of Comanches move to the Brazos River

    First group of Comanches move to the Brazos River
    The Comanches lived on the northern part of texas. They were very god traders. The only problem they had when trading was the stuff they wasnted to trade was stolen. They sometimes even stole women and children.
  • Slavery ends in Texas

    Slavery ends in Texas
    Slavery ended on juneteenth. At at that time Abraham Llincoln said that all slaves must be free with his Amacipation Proclamation. That meant that evey slave in Texas had the same rights as everyone else.
  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    The Civil War began mostly because of slavery. This event lost around 620,000 people. The war started because Andrew Johnston heard that Davis has been captured.
  • barb wire is invented

    barb wire is invented
    Lucien B. Smith is the one who is credited for inventing barb wire. He invented it so fences would be cheaper. It is used to keep animals in and if they try to get to the other side they will sufer ijury. barb wire is also used to surround succured property.
  • A hurricane hits Galveston

    A hurricane hits Galveston
    During the disaster 8,000 people died. Before the hurricane hit there was not many warnings or alerts.After the hurricaane there was total desaster. People were left with out a place to stay. There was no food for them to eat, they were left without a thing.
  • Worls War I breaks out in Europe

    Worls War I breaks out in Europe
    The war began because Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. They declaired was becasue Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated. Because of that conflict many more countries jumped into the war because on their treaties they had to defent certain countries.
  • US enters World War I

    US enters World War I
    The US entered the world war I because they had historical ties.The US also entered the warld war because they were scared if Central Powers were able to beat the Triple Ententethen the standing empire would be a threat to the US.And the US also wasnted to defend the Democracy as a form of government.
  • Texas women win the right to vote

    Texas women win the right to vote
    On March 26, women won the right to vote in state primaries and political conventions. The women were very happy because that is what their drems were. They wanted to be equal to men.
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    The world war ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. The Allied forces destroyed the Russian, German, and Ottoman Empire.There were many people that suffered this.
  • State Boars Of Education is created

    State Boars Of Education is created
    Making scools took one step at a time. The state board of education was not judt for education. It was for any religeous or ethenic group.
  • Great depression begins

    Great depression begins
    The Great Depression was an economical problem after the World War II. It started in the US because the stocks went downhill.This caused a depression in many countries.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president
    This president has been through many problems. He was the president during th edepression and though a war. He also was in a wheel chair.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor; US enters the Warld War II

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor; US enters the Warld War II
    Japan has dent planes on december 7 to attack the Pearl Harbor. Japan's goal was to destroy some of the US's battling equipment. They destroyed 5 out of 8 ships and the rest was terribly damaged.
  • Warld War II ends

    Warld War II ends
    Germany surrendered to the Western Allies and to the Soviet Union. Them America dropped two bombs on Japan. One in Hiroshima and another one in Nagasaki. After that japan srrendered.
  • Law passed making fence cutting a crime

    Law passed making fence cutting a crime
    Mabel Doss Day Lea passed a law that made fence cutting illegal.Fence cutting started when cattlemen wanted their cattle to roam the open spaces. The cattle men that wanted that cut the fences of others.