Jay Australia

  • the Dutch sail to Australia

    the Dutch sail to Australia
    believe it or not the Dutch were actualy the first people to sail to Australia. To bad they didn't stay there for to long. once the Aboriginies started to attack they got right in there boat and sailed away.They decided not to gon back because that the land was dry and hot.
  • James cook sails to Australia

    James cook sails to Australia
    Finaly after a centery James cook decides to sail around the coast of Australia and continued his journey around New Zeiland.
  • British put prisons in Australia

    British put prisons in Australia
    as soon as the British ran out of room in Britin for jails they started to put the prisoners in Australia.If you did something awful in jail there you were sent to Tasmania.the last step was to be killed and sent to Island of the dead.
  • Independence for Australia

    Independence for Australia
    the state boundries were created and Australia became its own country.
  • the British STOPED taking prisoners to Australia

    the British STOPED taking prisoners to Australia
    for some reason they decided to stop taking prisoners to Australia.
  • The Commonwealth was created

    The Commonwealth was created
    Although they are there own country they are still partly with britin.
  • Canberra

    Canberra is finished and is there capital