Hitchfield Maun "Cold War"

  • House Un-American Activities Committee formed

    House Un-American Activities Committee formed
    The Un-AmericanAvtivities Commitee was form becasue of disloyalty among fascists and communists.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    It ws a conference wherer the Soviet Union,the United Kingdom, and the United state to tlk about a plan to bet Germany.
  • United Nations formation

    United Nations formation
    U.S., British, Soviet, adn Chinese sign this act and became Union.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman promise to aid nation that are stuggling against communist movement.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    A plan to help USSR aand it's allies, but USSR didn't accept it.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was created becasue Germany was divided into two. East and West Germany, but Berlin was still in East Germany and it's still part of Germany captial. So the Alllies build a wall to separate West and East Berlin.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Was when the Soviet tried to take control of Berlin. The U.S. came up with a paln that support Berlin by usin airlift
  • NATO formation

    NATO formation
    A treaty that was sign in Washinton and it believe that the Russian communist had posed a new threat to the world.
  • Era of McCarthyism begins

    Era of McCarthyism begins
    The Era of McCarthyism was named this becasue of what Joseph McCarthy pratices. Because he claim that there were a large number of communist spies in the US and other country.
  • North Korean Invasion of South Korea

    North Korean Invasion of South Korea
    North Korea attacket South Korean by suprise. They made the UN
    to join in an fight them off.
  • Rosenberg Execution

    Rosenberg Execution
    Ethel Rosenberg was executed becasue she was spilling information to the Soviet.
  • Armistice Signed Ending Korean War

    Armistice Signed Ending Korean War
    The armistic was a contarct that ended the War in Korea.
  • Warsaw Pact formation

    Warsaw Pact formation
    This act was made by the Soviet Union. The Russian wanted to attacked thier satellite country.
  • Sputnik 1 Launched

    Sputnik 1 Launched
    Sputnik was the first satellite to orbit the earth. The Sputnik was made by the Soviet.
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space
    The first man in space was a Russian cosmonaut named Yuri Gargarin.
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    Alan Shepherd was the first American in space. He was one of the Mercury Freedom 7.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    The first man on the moon as you may or may not know was Neil Armstrong. He landed on the moon and took a picture of Buzz Aldren. He of course was one of the member of the Apollo 11.