Chapter 25.2 The Unification of Germany

  • Napoleon Defeated Prussia

    Napoleon Defeated Prussia
    Napoleon defeated Prussia in 1806. Napoleon's rule inspired German nationalism in favor of Prussia almost everyone in Prussia is German.
  • William Becomes king of Purssia

    William Becomes king of Purssia
    William I became king of Prussia hw made german unification one of his main goal. He appointed Otto von Bismarck Prime minister and secretary. Bismarck thought that German unification can only be done though military froce.
  • Seven Weeks War

    Seven Weeks War
    The warWar between Ausrtria and Prussia. Austria was defeated by Prussia. The Treaty of Prague ended the war in 1866.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    a war between Prussia and France. France was deafeated and King William I help Bissmark Form nationalism
  • German Empire

    German Empire
    William I was declared the German Empire after all the representitves of the German states met in the Palace of Versailles and declared the formation of the German Empire