Islamic Timeline from 570 C.E. - 711 C.E. (10 Entries)

By Nomide
  • 570

    Birth of Prophet Muhammad

    Muhammad is born in Mecca.
  • 610

    Angel Gabriel Visits Prophet Muhammad

    Angel Gabriel visits Prophet Muhammad at the age of 40.
  • 622

    Migration to Yathrib (Medina)

    Prophet Muhammad and his followers migrate to Yathrib which is known today as Medina.
  • 630

    Return to Mecca

    Prophet Muhammad returns to Mecca with his followers.
  • 633

    Prophet Muhammad's Passing

    Prophet Muhammad passes away at the age of 63.
  • 638

    Northern Arabia

    Muslims enter the northern part of Arabia including Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.
  • 641


    Muslims enter Egypt and rout the Byzantine army.
  • 655

    Spreading of Islam

    Islam starts to spread throughout North Africa.
  • 661

    Death of Imam Ali

    Death of Imam Ali brought an end to the rule of the four caliphs and began the Umayyad rule.
  • 711

    Muslims Entering Spain

    Muslims enter Spain and India. Eventually the entire Iberian Peninsula