3.4 Activity

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    Knowing when to ask for assistance and when to offer it is an important tool to have in life. When you do everything yourself and don’t want to ask for help, “you're defining yourself by your accomplishments.” (Hilliard City Schools).
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    Offering assistance is as simple as ask[ing] what you can do to help.” (Hilliard City Schools). Following through is also an important part of offering assistance. Remember to not ask someone too much if they would like help, as it could annoy them. I need to ask for assistance a lot in my life at school. I am not the best at math, and have started to make more of an effort to be better.
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    It’s important to know that you can still accomplish the same things, even with assistance from others. There is nothing wrong with achieving something with other people. By accepting assistance, you “also get a connection with another human being.” (Hilliard City Schools).
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    I find that being taught something with one on one attention and doing my homework has helped me understand math more. I wouldn’t have understood that if i hadn’t asked for assistance. The outcome was very helpful, as asking for assistance has begun to raise my math grade.