1870’s - 1960’s

By Rjones
  • Immigration from Britain and Ireland

    From the 1830 to the 1914 over 300,000 Irish immigrants emigrated to Australia
  • Cardinal Moran

    Moran was appointed to Australia on the 25 January 1884 and arrived on 8 September 1884.
  • Establishment of the Maronite Eparchy

    In 1894 a Maronite chapel was set up in Waterloo and served until 1897.
  • Federation of Australia

    On the 1st of January 1901 Australia’s 6 colonies under British rule became one and governed themselves.
  • World War 1

    Australia Joined the war on the 4 of august 1914 when Britain declared war on Germany. Australia’s people believed they were apart of Britain and were entitled to do their part.
  • Bob Santamaria

    Bob Santamaria was an Australian Roman Catholic anti-Communist political activist and journalist.
  • Conscription Debate

    During ww1 in Australia no man was conscripted instead they were all volunteers. In 1916 and 1917 they tried to pass the law of conscription however it got no votes.
  • Daniel Mannix Archbishop of Melbourne

    Daniel Mannix became Archbishop of Melbourne in 1917. He was anti conscription in ww1 which made people believe the Catholic Church was failing to do their part.
  • The Depression Years

    The Australian economy collapsed from 1930 to 1939. This would be called the Great Depression.
  • Cardinal Gilroy

    Gilroy became Cardinal on the 18 February 1946. He was the first Australian-born member of the College of Cardinals.
  • The Labor Party Split

    The Australian Labor Party (ALP) split for the third time in its history in 1955. This time over anti communism. It was believed that there was a alleged communist infiltration of the trade union movement.